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Professional Editing & 
Proofreading Services.

I've had the pleasure of working with Dianne Rich for the past two years and highly recommend her editing services. Her knowledge and sharp eye give authors exactly what they need for a polished masterpiece!

Jan Sikes, Award-Winning Texas Author

How We Polish Your Manuscript

Developmental Edits

Looks at the overall manuscript and focuses on plot, character development, theme, point of view, etc. When do you need it? If you've finished a draft and want to make sure it works.

Line Edits and Copy Editing

With line edits, we focus on writing style and voice, identify awkward phrasing, repetition, passive voice, telling vs. showing, inconsistencies, etc. With copy edits, we correct grammar, spelling, commonly confused words, consistency, etc.


With proofreading, we ensure your manuscript is as error-free as possible. The edited copy is checked for any lingering typographical errors, layout issues, page numbers, etc.

An introductory sample edit will give us an idea of what your manuscript needs.

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Introductory Sample Edit

I'm excited to learn about your style and read your work. Send me the first five pages of your manuscript, and I will provide a complimentary sample edit. This allows us both to move forward with confidence and comfort.

Sample Edit
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Dianne is a breeze to work with and she is always professional. She takes my unconventional thought process and helps me shape it into a clean, consistent manuscript every time. I don’t know where I’d be without her!

Hunter J. Skye, author of The Hell Gate Series and the Black Hills Shifters

About the Editor

Dianne holds advanced degrees in Biological Anthropology and Russian Literature (BA, MA). She began working with The Wild Rose Press in 2015 as a copyeditor and became a full editor in 2017. 

She has had the pleasure of working with private clients since 2014, and continues to help authors polish and prepare their manuscripts for publication.

If interested in nonfiction or fiction editing, submit for a sample edit and quote.


Contact Me

Get in touch with any questions! Click here for a free quote.

Thanks for submitting!

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